ponedjeljak, 24. studenoga 2014.

New Collection / TomboyFemme / coming soon

TomboyFemme collection is all about mixing your feminin style with boyish. 

There is no need for exaggeration, your style should be very simple with a good piece of jewelry, such as statement necklace, big  bracelet  or maybe a headpiece which will be also part of my new collection. 

To me ,  TomboyFemme means playing with ideas of presentation, and blurring the lines between what it is to be purely on one side of the feminine to masculine spectrum, and pairing traditionally masculine designs with traditionally feminine designs and having fun with it all. 
TomboyFemme means I’m more comfortable pairing a casual dress with chucks than heels, and if I’m going to wear heels, I’m most likely pairing them with an androgynous normcore sweater. This isn’t an exact science, because sometimes I wake up and just want to go super femme and curl the f*** out of my hair ( hahah)  and sometimes I want to be mistaken for a twelve-year-old boy with breasts. If jewelry isn’t convenient, why bother?

TomboyFemme Jewelry

Part of  jewelry  will be geometric and made of plexiglass... 
I like the hardness of the lines mixed with the simplicity of the clean lines. Geometric is very androgynous, even in dangly earrings, so you can get away with pairing it with more of your outfits.


There are no rules. TomboyFemme is its own collage of styles, which gives us the most freedom when it comes to presenting and dressing however we damn well please.  
Go experiment girls !

Here are some #sneakpeaks